TpT Sellers can learn something about this mistake by a Turquois jeweler that’s mentioned in Robert Cialdini’s book, Influence. In this incident, the jeweler mistakenly…
10 Books for TpT Sellers
I just finished listening to a book that I found extremely helpful. (I’ll tell you which one in a moment). But besides all the benefits I got from this book, one of the best things was that I got to
T-Shirts for TpT Sellers
Also Available as Hoodies
Getting likes on your TpT
How and Why You will see a direct correlation between the number of likes your TPT page has and the amount of money you make each month. Why Likes Affect Earnings Social proof Just like on social media, having likes
Five Reasons You’re Making More than Minimum Wage Selling on TPT, even if you’re not
When they tell you you’re making less than minimum wage selling on Teachers Pay Teachers When I first began selling on teachers pay teachers my income was not a lot. However, the money that I was making was exciting. Making
How to Turn Your Lesson Plan into a TpT Product
How to sell your great lesson plan on Teachers Pay Teachers Many Teachers struggle to start a TpT store because they don’t know where to begin. After taking your first steps to start a store (read that post here) you
Why Your TpT Store isn’t Making Money
A Teachers Pay Teachers Seller’s Strategy Guide You have a Teachers Pay Teachers store and have begun uploading products. What began as excitement over the idea of starting a side hustle and earning extra money has turned to apathy as
A Strategy for Creating New Products for Your Teachers Pay Teachers Store
There are only a few ways that a business can actually make money, and yes your TPT store is a business. The most common way that a business makes money, and probably the first way, is to have something to
Getting your Teachers Pay Teachers Store Ready for Back to School
Escaping the Summer Sales Slump Summer sales on Teachers Pay Teachers are usually slow. It can be discouraging, especially if your just getting started. In all of July, my sales are what I normally make in a week during most
Creating a Great Cover Image for your Teachers Pay Teachers Product (updated)
Your cover image is the first (and sometimes only) image of your product that potential customers will see. So you need to make it a good one so that they will click on your product to learn more about it.