I just finished listening to a book that I found extremely helpful. (I’ll tell you which one in a moment). But besides all the benefits I got from this book, one of the best things was that I got to listen to it totally for free!

So I thought I’d share this opportunity with you, and give you some book recommendations for TpT Sellers that I have been reading and enjoying.

First, how to get the free books

Amazon’s audio subscription service, called ​Audible​, is giving away 30 day free trial memberships. When you join, you get two free books (sometimes it’s only one, but let’s keep our fingers crossed).

Here’s how it works. You signup, then you select your free books and they are kept in your app. You can listen to them anytime – even after the 30 day free trial has ended. The membership gives you access to so many titles each month – but if you don’t want to keep paying for it, you can just get your free books and then end your subscription.

I downloaded a history book and James Clear’s ​Atomic Habits​ (which is the one I referenced above).

Here are some books I would like to recommend to you, that are available on Audible.

1)​ Atomic Habits by James Clear​

2) ​Building a Story Brand by Donald Miller​

3) ​The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel ​

4) ​Influence by Robert Cialdini​

5) ​Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill​

6) ​Over the Top by Zig Ziglar​

7) ​This is Marketing by Seth Godin​

8) ​Start with Why by Simon Sinak​

9) ​Zero to One by Peter Theil​

10) ​Get more Traffic to your TpT Store by Chris Skierski​

Okay that last one isn’t available on Audible. And it’s a shameless plug. But I’ve already had hundreds of people read the book and am getting great feedback, so I hope you’ll add it to your list.

​Click here to enroll in Audible and get two free books​

10 Books for TpT Sellers