Teachers don’t make a lot of money, so most of us supplement our income with extra work.

Many teachers work a second job, have a side hustle, or try to round up work over the summer break. But what is the best teacher side job?

The Problem with Summer Break Jobs

Getting a job that’s just for the summer is tough. Think about it from the employer’s perspective. Why would they spend the time and energy to train you only to have you leave in a few short weeks (with no guarantee that you’ll return).

This is one reason that seasonal work, like camps, don’t pay well.

The other issue is the time and energy you have to spend looking for a summer job. You have to do searches and ask around. Plus you have to complete those job applications and go in for interviews. It’s actually quite a bit of time you have to spend if you don’t already have something lined up.

Then there are the other negative factors of summer work: Time spent away from home. Increased stress and sickness. And having to quit.

Year-Round Work

Some teachers keep their job year-round, working a second job after they work their full-time teaching job. This allows them to already have something lined up for summer, which is nice. But it’s not easy working all of those hours every week.

Side Hustles

Side Hustles are great for teachers. Yes, we work long hours, but we also have lots of days off, which makes a side hustle very suitable.

There are plenty of side-hustle options for teachers. There’s selling products on eBay or Amazon FBA, starting an Etsy store, or taking online surveys (crazy right?).

However, the side hustle that I STRONGLY RECOMMEND is to become a TpT seller.

Why Sell on TpT

Selling on TpT allows you to maximize something that you’re already good at – teaching – and use that talent to benefit others and make an income.

Plus, you can work on your business in your free time (like after the kids go to bed or on the weekends). You don’t have to punch a clock or commit to x-number of hours each week. Just work as you can.

Finally, the beauty of TpT is that your income has no ceiling. When you work at a summer camp, you know that you will make so many dollars per hour. And that’s it. If you want to earn more, you have to work more. But with TpT, once you upload a product, it can go on making money for years and years. It stays on the platform, doing work for you.

Here’s 9 more reasons you should start selling on TpT

It’s Like a Snow Ball

Another great thing about working on TpT is that your income grows and grows over time, like a snowball.

When you first start, you won’t have a lot of sales. After all, you’re a little fish in a big pond. So your earnings per hour won’t be very big. But don’t let that stop you. As you learn more, and your products get better, and your audience grows, and the amount of items you have on your store increases, so will your sales.

Soon, your money earned per hour of work will grow rapidly.

Want Some Help?

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The Best Side Job For Teachers