How and Why

You will see a direct correlation between the number of likes your TPT page has and the amount of money you make each month.

Why Likes Affect Earnings

Social proof

Just like on social media, having likes on your store is a form of social proof. It’s a sign to new visitors that your products are good and you are worth purchasing from.

If you were making a purchase for your home, and you were looking at to equally priced items. But one was sold at Home Depot and the other was sold at a website you’ve never heard of, which would you purchase from? If everything else was the same, including the price, I’m confident you would purchase from the store that you recognized.

But what if it were to similar items, equally priced, at two different websites that you hadn’t heard of? You would start to do some research on the two websites. You would want to learn which one was more reputable, and a lower risk. If one store had lots of reviews on their products and a Facebook page with tens of thousands of followers, you would be more inclined to give them your business.

This is one reason qhyy likes on your TPT store are important. It’s a signal to potential buyers that you make good stuff and that your products are worth purchasing.

Free Advertising

One of the challenges of selling anything online is getting people to see it. Teachers Pay Teachers is no exception.

Although the platform does a great job of advertising for you, in the beginning getting customers will be a challenge. As you grow, get more likes, and have more products, the TPT algorithm will push more of its customers to you by recommending products on their screen.

However, another great and easy way to get more viewers to your products is by having lots of people who like your store.

When you post a new product, Teachers Pay Teachers automatically emails all of the people who have liked your page to let them know that you have posted something new. That means you get free eyeballs on your new stuff.

You can email them

An underused and under appreciated feature of Teachers pay teachers is the ability to email all the people who like in follow your store.

This means, anytime you like, you can advertise to the people who like and follow your store for free.

You can send them tips and free resources,to help them build affinity to your TpT page or to create brand awareness. Or, perhaps by doing so, they’ll share your email with a friend, who will come to the store and purchase something – or also like and follow your store!

How to Get More Likes

Create Great Products

If you create quality products and sell them at a good price, your customers will want to like and follow your store. Both as a means of appreciation but also because they will want to return to your store and see what other great stuff you have.

You need to make returning to your store easy by including a thank you letter in your download, which we’ll discuss more below.

For now, focus on making your products excellent. They should look good and solve a problem.


On every product you sell, you should give the buyer more than they paid for.

By doing this, the customer is much more likely to give you a good review, purchase something else, tell a friend about you, or like and follow your store.

It doesn’t have to be an extra worksheet. You can offer a great teaching strategy, an extra resource, a free online course, an invite to a FB group, or more.

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Have Good Free Content

Free products are one of the best ways to get likes, shares, and follows.

Free products are shared a lot!

Every time someone comes to your store to download your product, they see your other products – this means extra chances to sell.

And every time they download your free product, you can add a resource in your download that encourages them back to your store to purchase something else (or follow the store).

So make good, free content for your store, and share it liberally.

Ask for the Sale

In sales jobs, managers teach their employees to ‘ask for the sale.’ People are much more likely to make a purchase if you ask them to do so.

In the same vein, ask your viewers and customers to like and follow you TpT page. Put this invitation in your product description and in your thank you letter that you include in every TpT download (especially your free ones).

Be sure to hyperlink the thank you letter back to your TpT store to make it easier for them to hit that like and follow button (or see something else they like and become a follower).

Want more Great Tips and Strategies for Selling on TpT?

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What to Read Next?

Inspiration to Start Your Side Hustle

Getting Started

After You’ve Started

TpT Strategies


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Getting likes on your TpT