Imagine posting a product, and immediately getting hundreds or even thousands of visitors over to it. That’s the power of social media marketing. And the BEST social media platform for you to use is Facebook.

In the previous post, we talked about the fact that Facebook is King.

In this post, we will look at three of the biggest benefits of having a Facebook page for your business.

If you create a Facebook page, and post regularly, your TpT store is going to get traffic, social proof, and brand recognition.

A Facebook Page will get Immediate Traffic to your TpT Store

Having a Facebook page is going to get you customers to your store, bog, and other products (like courses, books, etc) and going to do so today!

Having a blog and creating pins or YouTube videos is a great strategy, and will generate traffic to your store. But doing so requires several factors to help your stuff rank on Search Engine Algorithms (like Google and Bing). Ranking at the top of these Search Engines takes work and TIME.

Usually, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – the process of optimizing your posts and images to rank high on search engines – takes several months. I tell my students to expect it to take at least six months. Meaning you can make an amazing blog post, with fantastic images and videos, which are also posted on YouTube and Pinterest, and you will not reap the benefits of that post for six months!

After you publish that blog or video, you won’t see an uptick in traffic to your TpT store, book, course, or other product, for six months! Whereas, when you post something on Facebook (and other social media platforms) you get an immediate surge of traffic.

Imagine posting a product, and immediately getting hundreds or even thousands of visitors over to it. That’s the power of social media marketing. And the BEST social media platform for you to use is Facebook.

(By the way, just as an aside, email marketing also does the same thing for you and your business. But that’s in another post, we’re only talking about social media here.)

So if you want instant traffic to your TpT product (and other goods and services you sell), you need to have an audience on social media. And the biggest and best social media platform is Facebook.

A Facebook Business page will get your TpT Business Social Proof

Having a large audience on Social Media is a great way to build credibility. Hey, if others like it, maybe I should too?

This means, not only are people more likely to follow you or visit your store, but they’re also more likely to know, like, and trust you. Which means they’re more likely to buy from you.

Here are two fun videos to illustrate the point that when potential customers see how many followers you have on social media, they’re more likely to go along with the crowd.

Fake IG Live

Ethan Keiser, of the YouTube Channel “Ethan Keiser – Big Brain” built a fake app that made it appear as if he were on Instagram Live with almost 50k people watching his livestream. Upon showing this livestream to people, he was instantly famous. He got to skip lines at full clubs, hang out with people who purchased him drinks, and more.

Why did he get such VIP treatment even though no one knew who he was? Because they saw how many people were watching his livestream, and assumed he was worth

Have you heard of the Solomon Asch Group Conformity Experiment?

In this famous experiment conducted by Solomon Asch, people were shown different lengths of lines, and asked to select the two lines that were the same length. An easy task.

Except when all the other members of the experiment selected the wrong line, the test subject would go along with them – selecting what he knew to be wrong to avoid not conforming.

This is a great illustration of group think (it’s also great to show how one person can help others stand up to bullying). But here, I use it to illustrate the fact that when everyone thinks something, others tend to agree. You have a large audience? You must be worth following. When people see your audience, they are more likely to look at your content or also follow.

A Facebook Page will get your TpT Store Brand Recognition

The final benefit of having a large group on social media is brand recognition.

BMediaGroup says that 59% of customers are more likely to do business with a brand they already know about.

Think about it. If you needed to buy a new dishwasher, and you saw it online on two different websites. One was Home Depot and the other was (madeup name for illustration purposes), if they were the same price I bet you would purchase from Home Depot. Because you know that name, so you trust it.

Forbes Magazine says, “To convert more customers, focus on brand awareness“.

There are many benefits to having brand awareness. It increases your perceived value. Customers actually feel that the product is more beneficial if they know the brand that they’re working with. It increases conversion rates. And more.

You need brand awareness.

But how will customers become aware of you and your brand?

They have to see it. And see it repeatedly.

A great way to help customers become acquainted with you and your brand is to show up where they are already hanging out. And, as we already said, people are on Facebook. They’re there, and they’re there a lot!

So you should be there too.

Get your brand in front of them so that they become familiar with it.

Here’s the big takeaway. Being on Facebook will help increase your brand awareness. And that will generate more sales.

Grow your Facebook Reach

If you want to grow your Facebook page, reach more people, and get more traffic to your TpT Store, check out my course on Organic Facebook Growth.

Why TpT Sellers Need to be On Facebook, part 2