TpT Sellers need two things to be successful. Great products and traffic!

To get traffic, you must participate in digital marketing. Which means you have to have good SEO and you should be actively involved in email marketing, blogging, youtube, Pinterest, or other ways to promote your brand. But perhaps, everyone’s favorite, is social media.

Why we Love Social Media for our TpT Business

For starters, you’re likely already on social media. Almost everyone on Earth, with internet access participates on social media, for an average of 2.5 hours a day.

So, most likely, you’re already on social media. And your customers definitely are already there.

Besides this, social media is free! You can promote your business, gain an audience, and find your customers without spending money on advertising. That’s incredible! If previous generations of marketers could see us, they wouldn’t believe it.

Which Social Media Should you be On?

You should focus on the platform that you are good at. The one you’re already on and know how to use.

But besides that, the one you need to be on is Facebook. This is because Facebook is King.

You Heard Me. Facebook is King

You may have heard that Facebook is dead.

It’s not. Facebook is alive and well. Here are some amazing statistics to help you wrap your head around the fact that Facebook is King.

Facebook has:

  • 3 Billion Monthly users
  • 2 Billion Daily Users
  • 200 million active users in USA
  • 1/3 of all people on the planet have a Facebook account
  • More revenue than Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok and YouTube combined!
  • More users than TikTok, Snapchat, Twitter, and Pineterst combined!
  • The best performing and lowest cost ads of any social media platform

Facebook is:

  • The third most visited website on the internet
  • The most used app on phones that have the Facebook app
  • Used daily by 2/3 of its accounts
  • Used to make more purchases from a business account than any other social media platform

In conclusion, Facebook, compared to other social media platforms is:


Aren’t other platforms growing faster than Facebook?

This is a tricky one.

While it is true that other platforms, especially TikTok, are growing faster than Facebook is, that statement is misleading. I mean, if I started a social media platform, and today I’m the only user, but tomorrow I made an account for 10 of my friends, I would be growing faster than TikTok, Facebook, and everyone else. I mean, c’mon, that’s 10x growth!

Facebook has 3 Billion users – that’s 1/3 of all people on the planet. And remember some countries, and some LARGE countries, don’t allow their citizens to use Facebook. At some point, the ability to grow and scale it’s userbase is just untenable. Facebook can’t double its membership, there just aren’t enough people on the planet, with internet access, and a country that allows them to use it, who aren’t already using it.

So yes, other platforms are growing faster than Facebook. But they’re nowhere near catching them. Snapchat has 360 million users. So does Twitter. Compare that to Facebook’s 3 Billion, and you see how hard it is to catch them.

Are Teachers on Facebook?

Yes. Did you see the statistics above? Everyone’s on Facebook! Including teachers. They’re there. And with the power of Facebook groups, they’re not hard to find.

Do People Make Purchasing Decisions Using Facebook?

Yes again!

The average Facebook user clicks on at least two ads a week. They visit at least one business page each week. And over 1 in 3 users will make a purchase through Facebook this year. That’s 63 million people who will click on a Facebook post and then spend money with that business (which is more than twice as many as TikTok will have).

Another amazing statistic is that 1 in 5 Americans start their online shopping search on Facebook. Meaning they will make a purchase somewhere based on what they saw on Facebook.

Go Deeper with Organic Facebook Growth

If you want to go even deeper with your Facebook strategy, I have an online course just for you. It includes a content calendar, trainings on the algorithm, a minibook on memes, premade templates, and so much more.

Why TpT Sellers Need to be on Facebook, part 1