Which is easier?

  • To get a new customer to make their first purchase
  • To get a customer who’s already made a purchase to make another

The second is much easier. This is why businesses spend so much on customer service and retention. New customers are harder to get then repeat customers. So your current customers are more valuable. 

This is why your thank you page can be a game changer. Getting that customer who’s already made a purchase to return to your store and make another is worth your time and energy. And if you do it right, can yield a lot of extra revenue. 

The Easiest Way to Get Repeat TpT Customers

The first step in getting someone who’s already made a purchase in your TpT store to make a repeat purchase is to get them back to your store (duh).

So how do you do that?

You have to invite them back. 

This means you have to have more communication with them. And you can do that in several different ways. You can connect with them on social media, email them, email them through TpT, or have them click on a link that’s already in the purchase that they made.

You might think that clicking on a link to another product is the best way. However, that only gets you one chance to make a sale. If, however, you can have ongoing communication with them, this will produce lots of opportunities for them to return to your store and make a purchase. 

The Value of the Thank You Page

If someone has already made a purchase in your TpT store, the best way to get them onto your email list, back to your store, to follow your page, or to connect with you on social is with a thank you page. 

If they’ve purchased something from you, they’re going to open it. And if they open it, they’re going to see your thank you page. 

So let’s capitalize on this moment. 

Strategies for a High Performing Thank You Page

Promote Other Products

Have an upsell.

This will have to be product specific. So you’ll have to customize your thank you page for each resource. But the reward could be worth the time. Remember it’s easier to get a customer to spend more money then it is to get a new customer. So it’s definitely a good strategy 

Promote Your Email

Email marketing has one of the best “Return-on-Investments” of any marketing strategy, for many reasons. Click here to read why TpT Sellers need an email list.

A great strategy in your Thank You Page is to promote one of your free resources which is an email opt-in.

Remind them to leave a review to earn TpT credits towards future purchases

Teachers Pay Teachers actually pays its customers to leave a review. So remind your customers about this fun fact, and then ask them to leave a review.

When you remind them, be sure to add the hyperlink back to their purchases, so they can quickly and easily find your product and leave a nice review.

Here’s the link to their “My Purchases” section, just copy and paste the link below onto your Thank You Page.


Get them to Connect with you on Social

Another thing you can do is invite them to connect with you on social media. Just add the images and include hyperlinks to your social media pages.

If you have a Facebook group, this will really help. Sometimes following someone on social media doesn’t sound as beneficial as joining a group where you can connect with other like-minded people.

Be Clear About What You Want Them To Do

In my copywriting course, we talk about the value of telling the customer exactly what we want them to do. So be clear and specific. Don’t be vague or suggestive. Tell the customer exactly what the next step should do is.

Keep reading this post (see what I did there?)

Make it Easy for Them (Hyperlink)

Don’t tell them to go to your store, say “click here” and then hyperlink it to your store, or email opt-in, or whatever you want them to do.

Make it very obvious what they should click on. Use buttons if you can.

Ask Them to Follow your TpT Store

A great way to get more followers is to ask for them. And who better to like and follow your page than someone who has already purchased your stuff, and experienced how wonderful it is?

So tell them to like and follow your page, and then use the “Share Store Link” found in the dashboard of your TpT page.

Attached to Your Resource or a Separate File in the Download?

Most sellers make their Thank You Page part of the resource. Usually, it is the first or last page.

While this definitely ensures that the Thank You Page will be seen, my concern is that it will be seen at an inopportune time, and not produce the desired results.

As a teacher, when I’m trying to use a TpT product that I’ve purchased, and I want to print it for my classes, having to scroll past these extra pages is irritating. And having to set the printer to print pages 2-5 is also an increased aggregation. And, if I forget to do that, and I accidentally print a class set of your resource with the thank you page, I am further annoyed.

For those reasons, I make my thank you page a separate file.

If you do what I do, and make it a separate file, know that you’re decreasing the chances of it being seen and opened. This is why I label mine “Bonus and Thank You” or just “Bonus.” My hope is that they’ll see it when they’re ready to look at it, and it won’t mess up their use of my product.

Use a Template

Once you have made a Thank You page for your TpT products, it should be reusable for most (if not all) of your items. So save that template and use it over and over again.

If you would like a template that’s already done for you, I have one you are welcome to use. Click below to preview it.

Thank you Page for your TPT Products