August is a BIG month for TpT Sellers. We’ve got back to school and the Sale on Teachers Pay Teachers, so we want to get as much traffic to our stores as possible. We need to maximize our social media content so that we get as much reach as possible so that we can get our resources into the hands of as many teachers as possible.

Create Social Media Posts Ideas for August That Get Engagement

When creating content for your social media accounts, it’s important to consider what will serve your audience. What will they connect with? And what will generate engagement?

Engagement includes likes, comments, and shares. And getting engagement on your posts will help them get more reach organically (without you having to spend money on ads).

How do you get more engagement?

  • Ask questions
  • Share inspiration
  • Serve your audience with helpful strategies
  • Post memes and funny content

What Should You Post About?

August is all about teachers enjoying the end of summer and back to school. These are what’s dominantly on teachers’ minds, so tap into this.

How can you help your teachers prepare for Back to School? Or enjoy the last bits of summer?

What strategies can you share? What fun can you have? What resources can you promote so that your audience is educated and/or engaged?

Questions to Ask on Social Media in August

Asking questions from your social media account is a great way to get comments, which is a type of engagement.

You should ask questions that pertain to Back to School or enjoying the end of summer.

Here are some examples of questions you could post:

  • What are you doing to enjoy the last few days of Summer Break?
  • When do you go back to school?
  • What are your classroom ‘must-haves’ for the first day of school?
  • What fun activity do you do on Day 1?
  • What are the classroom routines that you teach your students on the first day of school?

Value Add Posts for August

Value add posts are considered Top of Funnel. In these posts, you help or educate your audience so that they feel a deeper connection with you and your brand.

What tips and strategies can you share with your audience so they have a successful first day of school (or last day of summer break)?

  • How to set up their classroom
  • Supplies that they need
  • First day of school activities
  • Classroom management strategies

Inspire and Entertain

Another great way to get good engagement is by inspiring your readers or entertaining them. What quotes can you share? What memes can you make?

Content Calendar

If you have less than 10,000 followers, you should be posting to your social media page once a day (or five times a week). When you have between 10,000 and 100,000 it should be 1-3 times a day.

I recommend the 80-20 rule. 80% of your content should be top of funnel type content – engagement, education, and inspiration. The other 20% should be middle and bottom of funnel – getting them onto your email list of trying to make a sale.

Save Time and Have Great Posts for the August

Elevate your social media game and drive engagement with my 47 expertly designed social media templates, perfect for TpT Sellers looking to promote their products, grow their email lists, and enhance their brand presence on Facebook and Instagram. These Canva templates are tailor-made to help you capture your audience’s attention and maximize your reach during the month of August.

I have a kit of 47 high-quality, customizable images that TpT Sellers can use to create eye-catching posts for Facebook and Instagram. Designed to streamline your social media strategy, these templates make it easy to promote your products, encourage email sign-ups, and foster meaningful engagement with your audience.

Templates are:

  • 16 memes
  • 6 Promote your TpT Product posts
  • 7 Conversation Starters
  • 6 Infographics
  • 6 “Download my Email Opt-in” Posts
  • 6 Inspirational Posts
Social Media Content for TpT Sellers for August