Several years ago I begun selling on Teachers Pay Teachers. I knew absolutely nothing about it!

I had to start a PayPal account just so I could join. After completing all the necessary forms to begin, I was shocked to discover that I had to upload a free product before I could sell anything. I hadn’t thought this through. The only reason I wanted to start a TpT page was so that I could sell my new book as a digital resource to teachers (it was already selling as a soft cover book on Amazon).

My Second Biggest Regret

As I begun my TpT journey, I was presented with a difficult option. The free account or the paid account. Since the book was going to cost $5, I realized I’d have to sell 12 to recoup my initial financial outlay. Which I wasn’t sure I was going to do. So I selected the free account.

I did not think through the difference that would make, especially since you keep a little over half of your earnings on the free account. But to my pleasant surprise, I quickly sold over 24 copies, which meant I had earned over $60, so I upgraded to the paid account.

Which meant that after 24 sales, I had made no money! If I had spent the money on the front end, I would have earned a greater commission on each, and would have money left to show for it.

Click here to read more on why you should pay for the TpT Premium Membership.

Download the Free eBook

I Don’t Learn My Lesson Easily

Despite this mistake, I plowed forward soaking up all the knowledge I could get. At the time, there was a very good online course that would teach you all the in’s and out’s about being a TpT Seller. It cost around $250 at the time. But if you didn’t realize from my above story, I was being cheap, so I did not spend the money and continued trying to learn it all on my own.

I made lots of mistakes. These mistakes cost me a lot of time. They also lost me a lot of sales.

The More I Learned the Less I Knew

It took me a long time to finally get good at selling on Teachers Pay Teachers. And the more that I learned, the more I realized how little I knew. Now I spend a lot of my time going back and trying to fix the mistakes that I made. More time spent, less money earned.

Why it Was So Hard

Trying to figure out Teachers Pay Teachers on my own was difficult because there were so many things that I didn’t understand. Things like SEO, banners, and crosslinking, which can greatly increase sales. I didn’t understand titles, preview images, or how to get likes to my store (or why).

I had no one guiding me. Explaining to me the value of all these things, or what I should do next – or why. If I struggled with something, I didn’t know who to ask, or have anyone to help me.

I needed a mentor. Someone who could walk me through the steps and explain them to me – explain the value of each one and show me how to do it well.

I needed a small group of people who were in the same place as I was so that they could help me along the way.

If I Could Do It All Over Again

If I was starting over, I would take that class. At the time, $250 seemed like a huge investment (and it is), but what I failed to realize was that a class like that could give me rocket fuel and propel me to success. My store now much makes more than that every month. I wish I had arrived at this point long ago.

TpT sales grow like a snowball. They multiply. So if I had gotten to several hundred dollars a month a year or two ago, imagine how far along I would be by now.

That’s Why I…

Because of all of this, I created this website and give away this free ebook – to help teachers who want to get started on Teachers Pay Teachers, as a seller. Both of these free resources can get you to where you need to be.

But if you want that rocket fuel; if you want a mentor to help you on this journey and a group of educators walking with you, then I invite you to join my online course.

My Biggest Regret when I Started Selling on Teachers Pay Teachers