Did you know that email marketing can be the most powerful and effective form of marketing you can have as a Teachers Pay Teachers Seller?

When surveyors and researchers do studies or ask marketers, they consistently discover this truth: email marketing is king.

Here are three reasons that email marketing works, and works well.

1 – Email Marketing Allows you to Reach More Customers

Not only can you reach more people through email than other marketing channels, and at a lower cost, but you can more effectively have consistent communication with them. By capturing email addresses through opt-in forms or lead magnets, you gain the opportunity to connect with interested individuals repeatedly. Unlike social media or other marketing channels where your message may get lost in a sea of content, emails land directly in your subscribers’ inboxes, ensuring higher visibility. And, since your right there in their inbox, you can show up again and again, and know that you’re being heard – a guarantee you don’t get with social media.

​Furthermore, with email marketing, you can promote your TpT products instantly. By crafting compelling email campaigns and hitting the send button, you can generate immediate views on your products. This instant exposure can significantly impact your sales and help you gain momentum in the competitive TpT marketplace.

2 – Reach the Right Customers

One of the greatest advantages of email marketing is its ability to target the right audience for your TpT products. By building an email list of subscribers who have willingly given you their email address, you have a built a group of individuals who already know, like, and trust you.

Warm audiences are much more likely to convert into paying customers.

​Email marketing also allows you to segment your subscribers based on their interests, preferences, demographics, subject or grade that they teach, or even based on their past purchases. This allows you to personalize your emails and deliver targeted content that resonates with each specific group. By catering to their needs and addressing their pain points, you can increase engagement, build stronger relationships, and ultimately drive more sales.

3. Best Return on Investment

Surveys of marketers and research project consistently rank email marketing as the most advantageous form of marketing. Showing that it outperforms television and radio commercials, social media advertising, and more.​

Unlike other forms of advertising, Email marketing does not require a significant financial investments. Many email marketing services offer affordable plans, and some even have free options for small subscriber lists.​

If you haven’t started your email marketing campaign, you need to. It will increase your sales and grow your business.

​Here are two tools to help you get started.​

1 – My Email Marketing Starter Kit, totally free.​

2 – My course on Email Marketing for TpT Sellers, where I will walk you through the process of

  • Selecting an Email Service Provider
  • Building Landing Pages and Forms
  • Emailing your List Weekly

​3 – My Membership, TpT Traffic Lab which includes the following courses, all for TpT Sellers

  • Email Marketing
  • Copy Writing
  • Creating a Blog
  • The 5 Post Challenge
  • and early access to the Summer School Conference for TpT Sellers
  • plus a few more bonuses
TpT Sellers Mastermind

Is Email Marketing worth It for TpT Sellers?