Not that long ago, I – like many teachers – was struggling to make ends meet. Money was tight and sacrifices had to be made.
Not only financial sacrifices, like what I could afford to do with my family, but time sacrifices as well. Because (also like many teachers) I had to work side jobs in an effort to relieve the financial hardships we faced living off of a teacher’s income.
I spent much of my time, as summer approached, looking for a summer job. Then, I had to spend afternoons applying for jobs and going to interviews. Of course, I then lost my summer and time with my family to this employment. So there were many sacrifices.

One Year Ago
A year ago I opened a Teachers Pay Teachers store and it has changed my life! I have less stress, more time with my family, and a better income.
I no longer lose my free time applying for jobs that will last a short time or lose my summers to these part-time gigs.
I’m no longer stressed about income or making large sacrifices with my family due to our budget restraints.
Instead, I work a few hours a week, after my children are in bed or when I can find a few minutes here and there, creating and uploading products onto Teachers Pay Teachers.
This work generates me several hundred dollars a month, and that amount continues to grow as I improve my craft and expand my store.

Why it Helps
This extra money has given our family security. We no longer fear what will happen if the air conditioner goes out or a timing belt snaps. We can absorb that kind of blow.
It has also given us more enjoyment, as we are now in a position where we can take advantage of minor indulgences, like eating out once in a while or going to the movies.
Starting a TpT store has also given me more time with my family since I am able to do my side work at weird hours, like when they’re in bed, or when I find a bit of free time while they watch a show.
All of this has reduced my stress.
This helps my time spent with my family be more enjoyable. I sleep better and started exercising again.
You can do the Same
You can start generating a side income that can change your life. Teachers Pay Teachers is a skill that can be learned.
You’re already a great teacher. You just need to start sharing some of that greatness with others, in a way that will allow you to generate some income from it.
Unfortunately, I started this journey alone. I had no one guiding me or helping me with the difficult parts. I made lots of mistakes and had plenty of setbacks – ones I am still in the process of fixing.
This is why I have created a course that will help teachers start their TpT store – and change their lives. So that you can hit the ground running. Avoid the mistakes I made, and start generating a great income right away!
In this course I will walk you through the process of starting a TpT store and making it look beautiful, creating and uploading great products, and driving traffic to your page to help you make money and change your life.
The online course is only offered twice a year. In it, we will walk through the steps together to start your TpT page, create products, and begin making a side income. Learn more about the course by clicking here.

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