People tend not to read long articles on the internet. They skim them. To help them read more of your content, you’re going to do a few things to make your post more aesthetically appealing.
This article is included in my video-based online course “How to Start a Blog for Your TpT Store.”
You should not have long paragraphs in your blog. In fact, no paragraph should be longer than four sentences. I know that in our language arts classes we teach students that a paragraph is between four and six sentences, but on the internet, they are between one and three; four tops!
The Most Read Part of Your Blog
Headings are the most commonly read pieces of an internet article or blog. So use them to break up your article.
Because headings cause the reader to pause and read, strategically use them to cause the reader to stop skimming and start reading
To do this, spark curiosity with your heading.
For example, if I were writing this article on making your blog pretty, this section could be titled “Use Headings.” That would be an appropriate summary. However, it wouldn’t spark curiosity. Instead, I could title the heading “A great way to get the reader to stop skimming!” Titles like that would definitely spark curiosity.

The third strategy to implement, that will help people read more of your content, is to get rid of formal writing.
Instead, make your blog post conversational. It should read like a script, not a dissertation.
An easy way to accomplish this is to use contractions! Again, I know that when we teach our students to write, we tell them not to use contractions, but blogging and marketing is different; and in this world, contractions are good. Also try not to use long sentences or formal prose. Keep it simple, and keep it moving.
Stop and think through the type of reader who would benefit from your article as well as from the TpT product that you are promoting in your blog post. What words are they searching for on Google? Think of different variations of that word, or specific phrases that they would type into Google, and try to get those into your post.

Our last tip, is to embed words and phrases into your post that people will search for on Google. Use different variations of the word or the phrase and put them into your article – preferably towards the top.
If I were typing this article and putting it on the internet, I would title it, “Editing Your Blog Post so that People will Read it.”
People who are searching for this are bloggers who are trying to increase their traffic, earn more money online, or grow their audience. So in my post I would try to include words and phrases that they are likely to be searching for on Google and other search engines.
Things like:
- Writing a Blog that Gets More Traffic
- Converts More Sales
- How to Start Blogging
- Beginning to Blog
- Increasing Traffic to My Blog
I’m sure that you can think of some other phrases that I have omitted, but hopefully you get the idea.
What do you want your readers to do after they read your blog?
Do you want them to go to similar posts on your webpage? Do you want them to signup for your freebie? Do you want them to head over to your TpT store? Give the reader a call to action and sprinkle it throughout your content. Mention it early, include and image, and leave it at the end.
Here’s my call to action (image below). I’ve already alluded to the course earlier in this blog post to create curiosity. Now I’m reminding you about it through the image below (I’m also mentioning it again, but that’s more to explain how you should include a call to action – but hey! it’s working). At the end of the article, I will make a pitch to get you to take the action of giving me your email address in exchange for my free course.
What action step do you want readers to take when they finish reading your blog post?

Remember that many of the people reading your blog post are first time visitors to your webpage or TpT store. This is like a first date. They’re getting to know you and trying to decide if you are worth their time. Are you and he/she a good fit?
What’s the goal of a first date? Answer: to get to the second date!
Too often, bloggers and online marketers try and get you to commit to a serious relationship, get married, and have kids together when it’s only the first date! They’re trying to sell you something when the reader is just getting to know you! Too fast, too soon.
This is why free content is great! I’m going to give you something free, and you’re going to give me your email so we can keep in touch. Let’s get to know eachother a little better before I ‘pop the question.’
Once I have your email, I’m going to continue to keep in contact. I will send you emails with more great resources and other cool stuff so you can see what a great guy I am. Then, after we’ve known each other a while, and we’ve established a relationship, I will ask for a sale.
Point of the story? Include a free optin – where readers can download something for free, in exchange for their email address. Then, email them regularly and provide value through those emails. Then, after you’ve put some time into the relationship, and provided them with other great resources, ask for a sale.
One last thing before we end. The whole reason we wrote this blog post was to get people to your TpT store. So either use that as the free product that you’re weaving through the article, or be sure to include those products in your emails.
Enroll in my video-based online course, “How to Start a Blog for Your Teachers Pay Teachers Store.” In it, I will walk you through the steps of starting your blog, registering it with Google, customizing the pages, and wrting blogs that drive traffic to your webpage. Learn more by clicking here.