Good job starting a TpT store and creating products. You’ve taken the first steps towards earning extra money.

Now comes a very important question. How do you actually get people to find your product and buy it?

TpT Has a Lot of Sellers

Teachers Pay Teachers is a saturated market. There are lots of people now on the platform trying to make some extra money, just like you and me.

Go onto Google and type in a resource: Abraham Lincoln Activity, Comma Rules Lesson, Dividing Polynomials practice worksheet – you will see dozens of links to different products on TpT. Do the same search on Teachers Pay Teachers and you’ll get a better idea of what I’m talking about.

How do we get our stuff to stand out? Or even noticed?

Here are 5 Things to do to get your TpT Products Noticed

1 – A Clear Title

The title of your product needs to be clear and descriptive. Everyone should know what it is when they read the title.

Also, think through what people will be typing into the search bar, and try to get your product title to match this search.

For example, one of my best selling resources is this Reflection Worksheet for the Student who Keeps Blurting Out. Now I call it the “Blurter Outter Corrector” because it’s designed to correct the student who blurts out. He’s a blurter outter!

But that’s not the title that shows up in my TpT Store!

No one would know what the heck it is. And nobody’s typing that into the search bar, because some of those words aren’t real! So I titled it ‘Reflection Worksheet for the Student who Keeps Blurting Out.”

Now it shows up when someone types in “Reflection Worksheet” or “Blurt” or “Blurt out” or “What to do when I have a student who keeps blurting out” (in Google).

2 – Good Product Descriptions

Your product description needs to communicate several things to the audience.

  • How the product works
  • Some uses for the products
  • What type of resource it is
  • Include keywords

For more ideas on great product descriptions, click here

3 – Good Cover Design

I strongly recommend going on to TpT and typing something into the search bar at the top of the home page. A list of products will appear. Scroll through the products and examine the cover images (also called thumbnails).

Look at the thumbnails. What do you notice they all have in common?

First, they’re mostly all square. TpT recommends your file size be at least 750 pixels and smaller than 2 MB.

Second, they are text dominant. Meaning that there is a profound heading. Usually that heading is not on top of the image, but separated from it with a solid color behind the font.

They also either have an image of the worksheet or a cute clipart character (or both) as the main image.

Sometimes there’s a subheading text below the image providing more details.

4 – Share on Social Media

While you are welcome to pay for advertising, there is a way to get customers to your products for free, and that is by sharing your products on Social Media.

The big three social media platforms are Pinterest, Facebook, and Instagram. Most TpT sellers love to use Pinterest, and that’s where they find most of their success. But you can be successful on any of these platforms, and others.

We get into this strategy in great detail in my online course “Your First $1,000 on Teachers Pay Teachers.” But for now, start a business account on any of these platforms and start sharing your resources and posting on them daily.


5 – Search Engine Optimization

Remember that much of your traffic will come from teachers typing things into search bars, like on Google or on Teachers Pay Teachers. So be sure to include words and phrases that teachers are likely searching for.

After you have named your product, think of all the similar words and phrases associated with it, or questions that teachers might ask that your product will help with, and be sure to include those words and phrases in either your product description or title.

Want Even More Help Getting Started?

Download my free eBook.

Get Your Product Noticed on Teachers Pay Teachers