If you have an email list, you need a good email optin. Studies show that a freebie download will get 10x more subscribers to your email list than simply inviting people onto your news letter (with no freebie).

But what should your freebie be?

Here are 5 ideas.

1) One of your Free TpT Products

Just take your free TpT product and make it your email optin freebie.

It’s okay that it’s also available on your TpT store. You don’t need to delete it. Your customers might not know about that, and even if they do, seeing it again will only help them want it.

2) A Course

I know this is a daunting one. It sounds large and intimidating. But you can, and should make a course.

Ideally, it would correlate to your TpT products.

For example, I make reteach worksheets for different math standards. I could do a training on how to use learning stations in the classroom, and all of their benefits. And then show them how to make them.

At the end, I could remind them that I have some they can purchase if they don’t want to make their own (or to save them time).

Your course doesn’t have to be anything fancy. You can talk directly to the camera and teach your audience something.

Or, you can make a PPT and then record yourself talking over the PPT slides.

For an example of the second one, ​check out my free course on 5 Posts you can make for your email or blog.​

3) A Coaching Session

If you want to establish yourself as an expert, a great way is to provide coaching sessions.

Calendly is a great, free tool you can use to allow people to schedule a session with you.

Create an email optin form, and then, once someone subscribes, send them the link to your Calendly scheduler.

What will you coach on? Whatever your store specializes in. Teaching students to write essays, Gamifying your classroom. Creating escape room worksheets. There’s no limit.

4) A PDF of your Blog Post

This one is super easy.

Just turn your blog post into a PDF download, then offer an email optin form that offers it to them as a download. That way they don’t have to bookmark your page, or try to remember your store name and blog post. They can just save this file on their computer.

5) An eBook

In conjunction with the previous option. You can take some of your best material and compile it into one download and call it an eBook. The nice thing about an eBook is it really is just a PDF.

You’ll want to make a cover image in Canva and then find a free 3D book cover maker online.

Here’s an example of ​my free ebook on email marketing​. It’s a compilation of several of my blog posts and several resources all compiled into one resource.

The other nice thing about eBooks is that there’s no page minimum. Your eBook could literally be just 5 pages.

Some things to Consider

One: Correlation

First, your email freebie should correlate to your paid product. If you’re giving away a course, you want to have a course that you’re selling or resources that go with the course.

If you have large bundles, you can give away portions of them as your free resource.

Be sure to link to your paid product in your email welcome sequence.

Two: Make it Quality

Your email freebie needs to be high quality.

No one wants to buy something from you if they’ve already sampled your work, and it stunk!

Really, your freebie should be something that people would pay for.

The better the quality, the more likely they are to do business with you.

​For more help starting your email marketing, download my free starter kit.​

​To Amplify your Email Marketing, enroll in my email marketing for TpT sellers course.

Email Optin Ideas for your TpT Business