A Teachers Pay Teachers Seller’s Strategy Guide You have a Teachers Pay Teachers store and have begun uploading products. What began as excitement over the idea of starting a side hustle and earning extra money has turned to apathy as
How to Use Your Blog to Get More Sales on Your TpT Store
All of the information in this post is taken directly from my online, video-based tutorial, How to Start a Blog for your TpT Store. First, recognize the function of your website. It is a centralized port from which people can
How to Edit your Blog Post so that People Will Read
People tend not to read long articles on the internet. They skim them. To help them read more of your content, you’re going to do a few things to make your post more aesthetically appealing. This article is included in
A Strategy for Creating New Products for Your Teachers Pay Teachers Store
There are only a few ways that a business can actually make money, and yes your TPT store is a business. The most common way that a business makes money, and probably the first way, is to have something to
How to Write Your First Blog Post
For your TpT Store You finally did it! You did one of the best things that you can do to increase sales on your TpT store. You started a blog! And now you stare at a blank computer screen wondering
How to get more customers to your TpT store
There are two ways to get more customers to your Teachers Pay Teachers store and products. One. The paid way. You can pay for advertising on various social media platforms that will generate you good traffic to your TpT store.
Getting your Teachers Pay Teachers Store Ready for Back to School
Escaping the Summer Sales Slump Summer sales on Teachers Pay Teachers are usually slow. It can be discouraging, especially if your just getting started. In all of July, my sales are what I normally make in a week during most
Should I Pay for Traffic to My TpT Store
Spending money on advertisement can be a very good thing. For example, if you spend $50 on advertising, that resulted in $75 worth of sales, then you would want to do that as many times as you could. However, if
How to Increase Conversion Rates on Your TpT Products
What is a Conversion Rate? Conversion rates are the number of sales your Teachers Pay Teachers product had divided by the number of page views it had. Another way of saying it is how many people purchased the product compared
I Started Selling on Teachers Pay Teachers, Now What?
If you’re reading this, then most likely you have started a TpT sellers page and are confused about what to do next. If you haven’t started a TpT sellers account yet, great! Read this first: Three Assumptions One. I’m assuming