Harvard Business Review did a research study where they found that the most effective form of marketing is to write clearly. Clearly explain your product. Clearly communicate the benefits. Clearly ask for the sale. Don’t be ambiguous, cute, clever, or
Writing Words that Sell – Short Words are Better
When writing, people often use big words to impress people. But they rarely do. Instead, big words distract our readers from our products. Words should be like windows; customers should look right through them and see what it is that
Is Email Marketing worth It for TpT Sellers?
email marketing can be the most powerful and effective form of marketing you can have as a Teachers Pay Teachers Seller?
When surveyors and researchers do studies or ask marketers, they consistently discover this truth: email marketing is king.
Here are three reasons that email marketing works, and works well.
How to Start Email Marketing as a TpT Seller
Email marketing is the most powerful form of marketing and will dramatically improve your Teachers Pay Teachers business. Having an email list will increase repeat customers, get you more views, keep your audience warm, and make you more money. Step
What Email Service Provider should TpT Sellers Choose?
Starting an email list and participating in Email marketing will help generate more raving fans and increased revenue for your Teachers Pay Teachers business. To begin your email marketing journey you need to select an Email Service Provider (SEP’s). But
Email Marketing Starter Kit for the TpT Seller
Want help starting your email list for your TpT store? Mini Book on what to write, Swipe File includes 109 Subject Lines, and bonus video to help you select your Email Service Provider Yes Please! We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe
Why TpT Sellers Need an Email List
Email Marketing is the most powerful form of marketing according to multiple studies and surveys. In 2022 Hubspot released a report that said that for every $1 you spend on email marketing, you get a $36 return. Professional marketers time
Getting likes on your TpT
How and Why You will see a direct correlation between the number of likes your TPT page has and the amount of money you make each month. Why Likes Affect Earnings Social proof Just like on social media, having likes
Five Reasons You’re Making More than Minimum Wage Selling on TPT, even if you’re not
When they tell you you’re making less than minimum wage selling on Teachers Pay Teachers When I first began selling on teachers pay teachers my income was not a lot. However, the money that I was making was exciting. Making
How to Turn Your Lesson Plan into a TpT Product
How to sell your great lesson plan on Teachers Pay Teachers Many Teachers struggle to start a TpT store because they don’t know where to begin. After taking your first steps to start a store (read that post here) you