Your preview images and downloadable file will play a huge part in your conversion rates. TpT has come out many times and said that over half of customers on the site won’t make a purchase if there’s no preview image
What is Top of Funnel Content?
A sales funnel is a visual representation of the customer’s journey from first becoming aware of your brand to becoming a customer and super fan. The top of the funnel is the entry point, where the customer begins this journey
Thank you Page for your TPT Products
Which is easier? The second is much easier. This is why businesses spend so much on customer service and retention. New customers are harder to get then repeat customers. So your current customers are more valuable. This is why your
How to Optimize Your Product Titles on Teachers Pay Teachers
Your product tiles matter. A lot! You can get traffic to your TpT store in an active or passive way. The active way involves you posting to social media, replying to comments, and sending emails. All of these are good
Why I use Canva to Make TpT Cover and Preview Images
Your Cover Images and Preview images will drive traffic to your products and increase your conversion rates, so making them look amazing is important. But what program should you use to help you with this. Obviously, you can make great
What is a Teacherpreneur?
I’m sure you’ve heard that teachers don’t get paid very much. It’s not a secret. The US Census Bureau published an article showing that teachers make between 20% and 50% less than equally educated workers in other professions. That same
Social Media Content for TpT Sellers for August
August is a BIG month for TpT Sellers. We’ve got back to school and the Sale on Teachers Pay Teachers, so we want to get as much traffic to our stores as possible. We need to maximize our social media
Roadmap to TpT Success
Many talented teachers dive into TPT with dreams of earning extra income, only to find themselves lost and unsure of how to succeed on the platform. The lack of a clear, actionable plan can be a significant roadblock, preventing you
Unlock the Power of Persuasive Sales Copy with Customizable Templates
As a TpT seller, you know the importance of connecting with your audience and persuading them to invest in your resources. Crafting compelling sales copy can be a daunting task, especially when you’re juggling lesson planning, grading, and all the other demands of teaching
The Fastest Way to Double Your TpT Income
Let’s face it. Making more income is nice. But there’s a lot to do when it comes to your TpT business. There’s product creation, emails, blogs, social media, and more. And your time is finite. So if you’re going to