Want help starting your email list for your TpT store?

Mini Book on what to write, Swipe File includes 109 Subject Lines, and bonus video to help you select your Email Service Provider

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    This Email Starter Kit includes

    • Mini Book on how to write emails and what you should be writing about
    • 109 Subject Lines that are customizable for your niche
    • Video on which Email Service Provider to choose: MailChimp, ConvertKit, AWebber, or FloDesk
    • Tips and strategies in future emails to help you start your email marketing journey

    Email Marketing will have a huge impact on your Teachers Pay Teachers sales. Outside of the $60 premium membership on TpT, starting an email list will be the best investment you can make.

    How to Begin Email Marketing as a TpT Seller

    There are several things you need to do to start your email marketing journey. The first is to select your email service provider.

    Email Service Providers for TpT Sellers

    There are no shortage of email service providers that you can use. In this video we look at the four most common: FloDesk, MailChimp, ConvertKit, and AWebber.

    This recording is from my TpT Mastermind Group and our training on email marketing.

    To get access to this video for free, click here.

    This video is included in the Email Marketing Starter Kit.

    Getting Email Subscribers

    After selecting your email service provider, you will need to start attracting your ideal customers to your email list. Most email marketers do this through an Email Opt-in, also called a freebie or a lead magnet. We go through this in the TpT Mastermind Group. If you don’t join the group and attend the training, just know that you should create something (or use something from your TpT store) that is ideal for your customers and their niche, and it should link to something in your TpT store that you want to sell – or your book, course, membership, etc.

    After you create this freebie, you will want to begin promoting it through social media and on your website. We also have a training on this inside the Email Marketing Course which is inside the TpT Mastermind Group.

    What to Email your Subscribers?

    After you have email subscribers, you will need to start emailing them. You should aim to email them every week. However, when you are first getting started, and your email list is small, it’s okay to do so less often. But make emailing them weekly your goal.

    Want help knowing what to email you customers?

    Most people tell me that they put off starting an email list because they don’t know what to email their list. That’s why I created the Email Marketing Starter Kit. It includes a short mini book (it’s 3 pages long) that talks about what to email your list, and then has 109 Email Subject Line samples that you can swipe and customize for your list. These ideas and prompts will get you started on your email marketing journey.

    Want help starting your email list for your TpT store?

    Mini Book on what to write, Swipe File includes 109 Subject Lines, and bonus video to help you select your Email Service Provider

      We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.

      This Email Starter Kit includes

      • Mini Book on how to write emails and what you should be writing about
      • 109 Subject Lines that are customizable for your niche
      • Video on which Email Service Provider to choose: MailChimp, ConvertKit, AWebber, or FloDesk
      • Tips and strategies in future emails to help you start your email marketing journey

      Email Marketing Starter Kit for the TpT Seller