Posting on Facebook is a great way to get people onto your email list and to your TpT store. But how often should you be doing so?

There actually has been a little bit of research done on this. The most notable study was done by HubSpot. They found that Facebook pages with less than 10,000 followers should no more than post once a day. More than that resulted in a 50% decline in reach. I have more to say on this in a bit, but let me tell you a few more things that they discovered.

Hubspot also found that if you have more than 10,000 followers, you should post about twice a day, after which your reach declined.

One last point from their research above. You will notice that reach actually declines with more posts when you have less than 10,000 followers. So posting just 5 times a month actually had more reach than posting 30 times a month.

There are other research studies that have found similar things. If you would like more data on Facebook posting – types, times, etc. ​watch my deep dive video, here​.

Some other Things to Consider

1) Math

The graph above talks about reach per post, not total reach. So let me give you a hypothetical to prove a point.

Let’s say if I post once a day, my reach is 100 people (just to keep the math simple). But if I post more than that the reach cuts in half. In this scenario, posting 4 times a day would have a reach of 200 people per day as opposed to the once a day reach of 100 people.

That is to say that you don’t have to treat the once a day post as a rule of thumb.

Think about it as a time thing. How long does it take you to post? Is it worth it to do more work to reach more people? If it’s a lot of time and energy, reduce your number of posts.

2) Quality over Quantity

Facebook’s transparency report states that the 18.8% of the content you see in your feed in 2023 is “unconnected.” Meaning it’s not a page you follow, or a friend sharing something, or a result of a group that you’re in. It’s just the algorithm recognizing what you like, and finding quality content that fits for you and then recommending it to you. (I’m sure you’ve seen posts come across your feed that say “Recommended for you.”)

Facebook said that this percentage, 18.8% will double by 2024.

Meaning what you see in your scroll will be over 35% recommended content, not connected to any page, group, or person you follow. Think about that! That’s 1 out of 3 posts!!!!

While that might be bad for those of us with big followings. That can be great news for any of us, because we now have a greater ability to be discovered by new people when we make quality content on Facebook.

The big takeaway is quality over quantity.

Resources to Help you

If you love this type of information, I have a free download for you.

It’s my Organic Facebook growth starter pack that includes a video on the Facebook Algorithm as well as tons of slides on research done on Facebook posting. It also has a few other goodies to help you grow your reach on Facebook without spending money on Facebook ads. Click here to download my Starter Pack.

If you want help growing your Facebook audience I have a course that is on sale right now, it’s called Amplify. In it I will talk to you more about data, what to post, when and why. I have premade templates for you, a content calendar, training videos, and so much more. Plus, you’re invited to a weekly hangout with me and other members, where we discuss our TpT businesses, what we’re doing, and give each other advice.

How Often Should You post on your Facebook Business Page?