Whether you’re working on increasing your conversion rates or getting more traffic, these can help you do a better job, and master the task quickly.

The Roadmap to TpT Success

To help you overcome these challenges and achieve the financial success you deserve, I’ve created a simple yet powerful roadmap.

This guide will provide you with the clarity and direction you need to amplify your income on TPT.

The Email Starter Kit

If you haven’t started your email journey, this starter kit will equip you with the resources you need to know what to do and how to do it.

The starter kit includes a video to help you choose an ESP, a mini book on what emails to write, 109 subject lines, and more tips to get you going.

How to Start a Blog – Course

If you are looking to create a blog to get more traffic to your store, more email subscribers, and more credibility, this course will walk you through the steps to get you started.

5 Post Challenge

If you want some help writing blog posts or emails, take this 5 Post Challenge. We’ll discover 5 different posts that will get you traffic and earn you money. Not only will we talk about what type of posts to create, we’ll brainstorm how to write this post for your niche, come up with ideas for topics, and show you how to write them.

TpT Optimization Checklist

Get higher conversions on your TpT resources! Download this checklist to help you know exactly what to do to make the most of your product page and TpT store.

Grow Your Facebook Page Resource Pack

This pack will help you grow your Facebook page and reach, will get more customers to your TpT products. This resource pack includes a training video on the Facebook Algorithm, a research slide deck, 39 conversation starter prompts, and a document that will show you 15 things you can do to grow your Facebook page.

The Greatest Facebook Group for TpT Sellers

Connect with a group of individuals who are just like you.

Check out these FREE Helpful Resources:

Get Greater Reach on your Facebook Page

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